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Kardelen Günaydin, M.A.

Fachbereich 1: Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
Seminarstr. 20
49074 Osnabrück

Raum: 15/405
Sprechzeiten: Dienstags, 16:00-17:00, online im BBB. Bitte dafür im stud.ip die Terminvergabefunktion nutzen.
Tel.: +49 541 969-4602


Wintersemester 2024/25

Finanzialisierung, (kritische) Studien der Zentralbanken, Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion (EWU), diskurstheoretische Ansätze.

Financialization, critical studies of central banking, political economy of the European Monetary Union (EMU), discourse-theoretical approaches.

Studium /Education

May 2024: Visiting Doctoral Researcher at the AxPo Observatory of Market Society Polarization, Sciences Po Paris. 
2020-ongoing: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin an der Universität Osnabrück/ Doctoral researcher at the University of Osnabrück
2015-2019 M.A. "Global Political Economy" an der Universität Kassel/ M.A. "Global Political Economy" at the University of Kassel, Germany
2010-2014 B.A. "International Relations" (Nebenfach "International Trade and Business") an der Istanbul Bilgi University, die Türkei /B.A. International Relations (Minor: International Trade and Business) at the Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey

Berufserfahrung /Academic experience
07/2018 – 09/2019 Studentische Hilfskraft am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) 
04/2018 – 07/2018 Praktikum am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) 

Association memberships:

European International Studies Association (EISA)
The International Studies Organization (ISA)

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften / peer-reviewed journal articles
2022: Whither Energiewende? Strategies to manufacture uncertainty and unknowing to redirect Germanys Renewable Energy Law (mit Dieter Plehwe). International Journal of Public Policy (16)5-6, 270-292.

Fachaufsätze / non-peer reviewed publications
2020: Politisiertes Sparen und die Europäische Zentralbank. Zur politischen Ökonomie der geldpolitischen Debatte in Deutschland (mit Daniel Mertens). Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 70 (48), 12-20.

Arbeitspapiere / Working papers
2020: The Neoliberal Legal Turn: The Centre for European Politics (CEP) and its new type of legal service provision in the EU (mit Dieter Plehwe). Blog-Beitrag für Think Tank Network Research, TTNR, August 2020:

Konferenzbeiträge / Conference presentations

2024: "Global coordination efforts in green central banking: The Network for Greening the Financial System", EWIS, 02-05 July, Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
2023: "Global coordination efforts in green central banking: The Network for Greening the Financial System", Annual Conference of the Political Economy Section of the German Political Science
Association (DVPW), 21-22 September, Witten/Herdecke University
2022: "Understanding green central banking through a Cultural Political Economy Lens", Sektionstagung der DVPW Sektion Politische Ökonomie “Wer gewinnt, wer verliert? Zugespitzte Verteilungskonflikte in Zeiten multipler Krisen”, Freie Universität Berlin, 22-23 September, Berlin
2022: "Understanding green central banking through a Cultural Political Economy Lens", Conference “Central Banking and its Discontents: The Role of Monetary Policy in Contemporary Capitalism”, HBS Conference Center, 11-13 July 2022, Berlin
2022: "Understanding green central banking through a Cultural Political Economy Lens", American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, 25.02.-01.03.2022, New York City (online).
2021: "Understanding and assessing climate-related financial risks: central bank-finance nexus in disclosure practices", University of Vienna: International Trade and Finance, online, 28-29 September.
2021: "A tale of (re)legitimation: the discursive strategies of the European Central Bank during the Euro crisis", Warwick Critical Finance: manuscript development workshop 2.0, online, 18 February. Warwick Critical Finance Group.
2020: From infamous denial to mundane obstruction: Think Tanks and Germany's Renewable Energy Resources Act (mit Dieter Plehwe), Environmental Governance: Policy Discourse, Deliberative Practices, and Public Participation Conference, 29-31 January 2020, Singapore.

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