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Dr. Jörg Baudner, Ph.D.

Fachbereich 1: Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
Seminarstr. 33
49074 Osnabrück

Raum: 04/108
Tel.: 969-4614



Do 30.7;  Di 4.8;  Di 25.8 jeweils 16.30 Uhr und n.V.


International Studies Review
Turkish Studies

Publikationen (u.a.)

“The evolution of Turkey’s foreign policy under the AKP government– A quest for a new foreign policy role concept” Insight Turkey (2014), Vol. 16, No. 2, 79 -101.

“Beyond Essentialist and Functionalist Analyses of the ‘Politicisation of Religion’: The Evolution of Religious Parties in Political Catholicism and Political Islam” Partecipazione e conflitto, (2014), Vol. 7, No.1, 111-132.

“The Domestic Effects of Turkey’s EU accession negotiations: A Missed Opportunity for Europe?” in: Cengiz, F. and L. Hoffman (eds.) (2013):Turkey and the European Union. Facing New Challenges and Opportunities, Routledge

“Reassessing the Europeanization of national policies: a comparative study of regional policies in eastern Germany and southern Italy“ (with M. Bull), Comparative European Politics (2013), Vol. 11, No. 2, 201-221

“Deutschland und der EU-Beitritt der Türkei – Energie, wirtschafts- und außenpolitische Aspekte“, in: Ruß, S. and P. Bender (eds.) (2013): Tagungsband „Sicherheitspolitische Utopie oder energiepolitische Vision? Deutschland, Frankreich und die Beziehungen der EU zu den islamischen Mittelmeerländern“. Nomos: Baden-Baden.

“The ‘politics of norm diffusion’ in Turkish EU accession negotiations. Why it was rational for an Islamist Party to be pro-European and a secularist party to be anti-European’, Journal of Common Market Studies (2012) 50, 6, 922–938.

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