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Prof. Dr. phil. Andrea Lenschow
Fachbereich 1: Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
49074 Osnabrück
Raum: 15/415
Sprechzeiten: Montags 16:15 Uhr bis 17:15 Uhr Raum 15/415
Tel.: +49 (0) 541 969-4632
Wintersemester 2024/25
Kristin Langemeyer
Seminarstraße 20, Raum 15/413
49074 Osnabrück
Telefon: +49 541 969 6018
Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen
Dr. Jan Pollex
Miles Ahlemann M.A.
Aktuelle Ämter
Vizepräsidentin der UOS für Internationales, Diversität und Wissenschaftliche Qualifikation
Inhaberin des Jean Monnet Chair "European Union Governance" (seit 2007)
Mitglied des International Advisory Board of Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS)
Aktuelle Drittmittelprojekte
2015-2018 eCoInnovateIT: Sustainable consumption of information and communication technologies in the digital society – dialogue and transformation through open innovation. Project Consortium financed by the “Niedersächsisches Vorab” grant programme. (Coordinator: F. Teuteberg, Univ. Osnabrück) (funding amount: 289.512€)
2017-2020 Governect: “Governance of Environmental Sustainability in Telecoupled Systems”. DFG-funded project, run jointly by University of Osnabrück (A. Lenschow) and Leuphana University Lüneburg (J. Newig & E. Challies). (funding amount: 243.000€)
2017-2020 STEER: Increasing Good Governance for Achieving the objectives of Integrated Water Resources Management. Funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the scope of the funding measure “Globale Ressource Wasser” (GRoW). (Coordinator: C. Pahl-Wostl, Universität Osnabrück). (funding amount 199.000€)
2020-2023 “The social dimension of zero-deforestation initiatives” (funded by FORMAS, Sweden), in cooperation with Dr. Almut Schilling-Vacaflor (Univ. Osnabrück) and Dr. Maria-Therese Gustafsson (Stockholm University). Funding amount: 2.395.050 SEK (approx. 225.850€)
2022 “Navigating towards a Secure and Sustainable Future” (funded by Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra) (grant number 2016/11 #5), with Dr. Almut Schilling Vacaflor (Univ. Osnabrück, project leader) and Dr. Maria-Therese Gustafsson (Stockholm University, project leader). Funding amout: 312.350 SEK (approx. 29.500€).
2021-2023 “Consumer decisions, Value chains & Cocoa (CoVaCoa): Value Chains and Consumer Decisions – Remote Effects of Governance and Product Biographies Using Cocoa as an Example”. The German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU). Coordination: Prof. Martin Franz (FB1, Univ. Osnabrück). Funding amount: 118.882€
Aktuelle Publikationen
Gustafsson, M.T., Schilling-Vacaflor, A., Lenschow, A. (2023). The politics of supply chain regulations: Towards foreign corporate accountability in the area of human rights and the environment? Special Issue. Regulation & Governance (early view)
Zito, A., Burns, C., Lenschow, A. (2019). The Future of European Union Politics and Policy. Special Issue. Environmental Politics, vol. 28, no. 2.
Buch- und Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Gustafsson, M.T., Schilling-Vacaflor, A., Lenschow, A. (2023). The politics of supply chain regulations: Towards foreign corporate accountability in the area of human rights and the environment? Regulation & Governance (early view)
Lukat, E., Lenschow, A., Dombrovsky, I., Meergans, F., Schütze, N., Stein, U., Pahl-Wostl, C. (2023). Governance towards coordination for water resources management: The effect of governance modes. Environmental Science & Policy, 141:50-60 https://doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2022.12.016
Lenschow, Andrea, & Pollex, Jan (2022). Sustainable development in action: European Union. In: Duncan Russel and Nick Kirsop-Taylor (eds.). Handbook on the Governance of Sustainable Development. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 259-273.
Lenschow, Andrea, & Pollex, Jan (2022). Environmental Policy Integration. In: Graziano, Paolo and Jale Tosun (eds.). Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, chapter 27.
Cotta, B. Coenen, J.,Challies, E., Newig, J., Lenschow, A., Schilling-Vacaflor, A (2022). Environmental governance in globally telecoupled systems: Mapping the terrain towards an integrated research agenda. Earth System Governance, 13, 100142.
Lukat, E., Pahl-Wostl, C., & Lenschow, A. (2022). The role of institutional interplay in ex-plaining deficits in implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in South Africa. Environmental Science & Policy, 136(April 2021), 304–313.
Schilling-Vacaflor, A. and Lenschow, A. (2021). Hardening foreign corporate accountability through mandatory due diligence in the European Union? New trends and persisting challenges. Regulation and Governance,
Lenschow, A. (2021). “Studying EU Environmental Policy”. In: A. Jordan and V. Gravey (eds) Environmental Policy in the European Union: Contexts, Actors and Policy Dynamics. 4th edition. Earthscan: London and Sterling.
Edward Challies, Benedetta Cotta, Andrea Lenschow, Jens Newig, Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, 2020
"Contextualizing certification and auditing: Soy certification and access of local communities to land and water in Brazil", World Development,
Edward Challies, Benedetta Cotta, Andrea Lenschow, Jens Newig, Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, 2020.
"Governing global telecoupling toward environmental sustainability", Ecology and Society, Vol. 25, No. 4, Art. 21
Ines Dombrowsky, Christian Knieper, Andrea Lenschow, Evelyn Lukat, Franziska Meergans, Claudia Pahl-Wostl,
Mirja Schoderer, Nora Schütze, Daniel Schweigatz, Ines Stein, Andreas Thiel, Jenny Tröltzsch, Rodrigo Vidaurre, 2020
"Enhancing the capacity of water governance to deal with complex management challenges: A framework of analysis"
Environmental Science & Policy Vol. 107, pp.23-35
Charlotte Burns, Andrea Lenschow, Anthony Zito, 2020
"Symposium Introduction: Dismantling, disintegration or continuing stealthy integration in Europen Union environmental policy?"
Public Administration, first published online 2 March 2020, 9 pages:
Charlotte Burns, Andrea Lenschow, Anthony Zito, 2019
"Special Issue: The Future of European Union Politics and Policy", Environmental Politics, Vol. 28, No. 2
Charlotte Burns, Andrea Lenschow, Anthony Zito, 2019
"Is the trajectory of European Union environmental policy less certain?", Environmental Politics, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 187-207
Edward Challies, Benedetta Cotta, Andrea Lenschow, Jens Newig, Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, 2019
"What is governance in global telecoupling?" A response to: Oberlack et al. 2018. "Polycenctric governance in telecoupled resource systems".
Ecology and Society, Vol 24, No. 3, Art. 26:
Jörg Baudner, Andrea Lenschow, Jan Pollex, 2019
"Das umkämpfte Gut der Freiheit in der Europäischen Union"
Osnabrück Jahrbuch Frieden und Wissenschaft 26/2019. "Im Zeichen der Freiheit". V & R unipress, pp. 191-206
Andrea Lenschow, Jan Pollex, 2019
"Many faces of Dismantling: Hiding policy change in non-legislative acts in EU environemntal policy"
Journal of European Public Policy:
Edward Challies, Andrea Lenschow, Jens Newig, 2019
"Governance for Sustainability in Telecoupled Systems", in C. Friis & J.O. Nielsen (eds) Telecoupling: Exploring Land-Use Change in a Globalised World.
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 177-197 (Palgrave Studies in Natural Resource Management)
Charlotte Bruns, Andrea Lenschow, Anthony Zito, 2019
"Is the trajectory of European Union environmental policy less certain?", Environmental Politics, Vol. 28, No. 2, 187-207
Andrea Lenschow, Franziska Meergans, 2018
"Die Nitratbelastung in der Region Weser-Ems: Inkohärenzen in Wasser,- Energie- und Landwirtschaftspolitik",
Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen 2/2018, S. 105-117
Franziska Haucke, Andrea Lenschow, Jan Pollex, 2018
"Consumption for Sustainability? Exploring Societal and Political Dynamics in Digital Society",
in Bocher, J. L. and Heinonen, J. "Sustainable Consumption: Promise or Myth? Case Studies from the Field", Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Chapt. 10
Kristina Kurze, Andrea Lenschow, 2018
"Does horizontal policy coherence start with problem definition? Unpacking the EU integrated energy-climate approach”,
in: Environmental Policy and Governance (under review), Vol. 28, Nr. 5, pp. 329-338
Pierre Bocquillon, Luigi Carafa, Andrea Lenschow, 2018
"Editorial: Understanding coherence between policy spheres", Environmental Policy and Governance, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 323-328
Zeenatul Basher, Mateus Batistella, Edward Challies, Min Gon Chung, Thomas Connor, Yue Dou, Cecilie Friis, Anna Herzberger,
Fals Huettmann, Andrea Lenschow, Jianguo Liu, Altaaf Mechiche-Alami, James DA Millington, Jens Newig, Esther Parish, James Roche,
Chelsie L. Romulo, Ramon Felipe Bicudo Silva, Jing Sun, Michael L. Treglia, Heather Triezenberg, Hongbo Yang, Zhiqiang Zhao, Karl S. Zimmerer, 2018
"Spillover systems in a telecoupled Anthropocene: typology, methods and governance for global sustainability"
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Vol 33, pp. 58-69